ID | 标题 | 笔记 | Tag |
7 |
bootstrap5 updates
6 |
bootstrap making dropdown scrollable
5 |
JS import vs require
4 |
Clear form fields with jQuery
3 |
Find element that has either class 1 or class 2
2 |
onblur infinite loop issue in Safari
问题: onblur触发alter,然后在safari下死循环 根源:Root Cause: Each time clicking on 'Ok' button of the alert, onblur happens and we are trapped in an infinite loop.
注意必须使用setTimeout,直接focus不能work。设置field.value为空不是必须的。 遗留问题:如果用tab转到下一个form field,也有onblur事件,还是死循环。 解决方法:如果value是空,则忽略,不触发alter |
1 |
How to update all IDs by Javascript
I use it for add an similar item for array in ShujuQiu project. However, when it's cloned, all ID the same with the original one. I need to update all IDs to make them unique. Otherwise, Javascript will be confused.