表单: RailsNotes
用户: dreamable
创建日期: 2020-12-16 23:09:40 UTC
更新日期: 2020-12-16 23:10:15 UTC
引用:(Table ID 3, Record ID 9)

标题 :
笔记 :

Why Quill?

  1. support math
  2. internal format, not html


  1. where local image saved?
  2. support image url?


  1. can't have two editors on the same page
  2. jquery syntax not work to find body
  3. missing images under packs
  4. limit size by bootstrap
    • wrapper by another div, col-10 ok, do not use form-control
  5. math
    • need kaTex
    • include js in application.html.erb directly
  6. image with URL


  1. https://github.com/abhinavmathur/quilljs-rails
  2. https://www.kohrvid.com/blog/posts/using-quilljs-with-rails-6
  3. https://medium.com/@technoblogueur/rails-6-and-webpacker-what-you-need-to-know-e3534fded7ff
  4. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56198624
  5. demo: https://harlemsquirrel.github.io/jekyll/update/2016/12/11/rails-and-quill.html


  1. yarn add quill
  2. include in application, import css as well.
  3. view:
    • add hidden_field with class 'rich-text-content',
    • add a div with id 'editor', wrapped by div with 'col-10' to limit size
  4. in js:
    • copy content from div with id='editor' to input with class 'rich-text-content', thus save and upload to server
    • config options and toolbar
  5. support math
    • include js in application.html.erb directly
  6. image with URL
  7. min height

      min-height: 200px;